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AIDS & HIV Event

Fr., 10. Mai



About every second person in South Africa is HIV positive and the rate of girls getting pregnant at the age of 12 is too high to be ignored or condoned. Lighthouse of Paterson knew from the beginning that this is one of the most important topics we had to educate our children about.

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AIDS & HIV Event
AIDS & HIV Event

Zeit & Ort

10. Mai 2019, 13:00

Paterson, Paterson, 6130, Südafrika

Über die Veranstaltung

One of the topics our founders cared the most was AIDS & HIV. About every second person in South Africa is HIV positive and rate of girl of the age of 12 getting pregnant is way too high. We want to educate Paterson's girls and boys as well as a lot of adults to have safe sex and not putting themselves nor their sexual partners at any risk. With help from our 2 nurses we gave 4 lectures and will continue as it is very important to us that this gets common knowledge and everyone understands the consequences of unprotected intercourse.

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